Exclusive Tools From TheTaxBook, For Tax Pros!

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with TheTaxBook for extension season, TY22, and beyond! Now, TaxAct Professional is able to provide our pros with an award-winning tax research solution, at a discounted rate that is the lowest in the marketplace – $229.

To give you a glimpse into just how beneficial this resource can be for your business, we’ve provided you with a free sample of their offerings. To download this content, simply complete the form below to access, compliments of TaxAct Professional and TheTaxBook. 

Interested in securing access to this tool for TY22, after having looked at this free content? Give our sales team a call today to purchase – 319-536-3571. And get ready to save yourself AND your firm time and money in future research processes. 

Download This Content

This gated content includes multiple tools for tax professionals, created by TheTaxBook. This downloadable content will include Tax Organizers, a Depreciation Schedule, an Average Basis worksheet, a Paid Preparer Due Diligence checklist, and a TY21 IRS Recommended PDF document. 

Interested in downloading this content? Simply follow these steps…

1. Please complete the form below. 

2. Click download. 

3. Once the form has been submitted, your webpage will be redirected to a link where you can download each PDF.