Tax Preparer Software

We’ve added a new feature to TaxAct® 2018 Professional that’s all about providing up-to-date relevant information where our customers are – right in the software. When you sign in, you now see a Notifications tab.

Clicking on the tab allows you to see important information about updates, IRS notices, and upcoming system maintenance announcements. A red banner at the top of the screen will tell you there are new notifications, and any items that are bold have not been read.

The Notification Center is a result of direct feedback from our customers. Especially this time of year you are busy, and we want to help you grow your practice. One way we can do that is to provide ways for you to be more efficient and effective.

We continue to develop the Notification Center. Watch for more functionality in the future, including ways to filter announcements. As always, we’d love your feedback. Submit your product suggestions by selecting Online –> Product Feedback in your TaxAct Professional Edition software.