Five Reasons Tax Professionals Should Offer Financial Planning
Sustainability is Key to a Tax Professional’s Growth
Growing a tax and accounting practice can seem daunting because of the 1:1 relationship between the income you earn and the hours you have put in to earn it. Unlike other small businesses that benefit from passive income streams and other economies of scale, the only way to really grow your tax practice is by adding more clients, which either requires even more hours from you or additional staff to take on the work. Either solution can come at a substantial cost, but there is a way to expand your practice and have more time to focus on clients and tour family.
Learn about the “Five Reasons Tax Professionals Should Consider Adding Financial Planning” to their practice, including insights from Bob Carey of Hanna Tax and Wealth Planners, who was able to transform his tax practice into a successful financial services firm by offering this service to his existing clients.
“This has absolutely improved my life and allowed me to work longer in my profession than I ever thought I would because I love what I do now. I’m not just creating a tax return commodity item, i’m making a real difference in people’s lives. It’s a wonderful compliment to be able to do a good job, be paid well and see true satisfaction from your client,” said Carey.
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